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Christ’s Power Gospel Trumpeter ministry is envisioned to blow the trumpets of the gospel to this sinful generation. In view of the alarming cases of moral decadence in both the private and public sectors of the economy and particularly in various churches and assemblies, the time to blow the gospel trumpets had arrived. This is because failure to do so now will negate the purpose for with Jesus Christ came to this world to shed His precious blood for the remission of the sins of mankind. It is rather pathetic to discover that many are yet to know the purposefor which Jesus Christ came to this earth.

We do not wish that the fate of these ignorant people should be like that of the rich man in the Bible who was suffering inhell after his death. The request of this man that some one should be sent to his other five brethren to warn them of the consequence of coming to the place of torment was given the most appropriate answer. “They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them’’ (LK 16:29).

This is an admonition that all and sundry should listen, obey and believe on the word of God.

This is because Jesus Christ Himself disclosed that everything written about Him in the law of Moses, in the prophets and psalms concerning Him as the Saviour must come to pass. (LK 24:44).

In view of this and in the realization of the mandate of the Great Commission to every believer,it beholves upon all and sundry to blow the gospel trumpets so as to rescue this generation from perishing. "Cry aloud, spare not, lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and show my people their transgression" (Isa 58:1).

This admonition is expected to rekindle our commitment to this important assignment for concerted and purposeful approach towards the urgent evangelization of the whole world. We should therefore not despise the beginning of small things. "Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase’’ (Job 8:7). We are to thus cast our bread upon the waters so as to find it after days by blowing the trumpets of the gospel loud and clear aswe shall definitely receive the soul winners crown if we are faithful. (Eccl. 11:1).

As the Lord has given the word, those that publish it are regarded as being faithful (Ps. 68:11) and shall be honoured by God.